
Science Simplified: What Is Supercomputing?

Supercomputers, distinguished from ordinary computers by their ability to process vast amounts of data, are instrumental in solving complex scientific problems. They consist of interconnected nodes and require extensive infrastructure and expertise for operation, exemplified…

Science Simplified: What Is Microelectronics?

Microelectronic devices are integral to modern life, with transistors as their core, enabling significant technological advances. Researchers now face the challenge of creating new microelectronics that process data faster and are more sustainable. What Is…

Revolutionary Graphene Interfaces Set to Transform Neuroscience

A breakthrough study introduces an innovative graphene-based neurotechnology developed by ICN2 and partners, with the potential for significant advancements in neuroscience and therapeutic applications. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: Groundbreaking <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip=" graphene Graphene…

Liquid Lightning: Nanotechnology Unlocks New Energy

Researchers have leveraged the hydrovoltaic effect, using nanoscale devices to convert evaporation energy into electricity, advancing our understanding of how these devices function across different salinity levels, and opening up possibilities for renewable energy generation…